Urban Magazine

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Beware of Google AdSense advertising login banner

hello. This is Urban Brush. At Urban Brush, various designers share images through talent donation, and to run this, they advertise on the site (Google…


How to change thickness when changing line size in Illustrator

hello. This is Urban Brush. Today, when using Illustrator, when the size of a shape made with lines changes, should the thickness change as well, or...


Image Copyright Association Is copyright registration mandatory?

hello. This is Urban Brush. If you created an image or received an image from someone else, is the image protected by copyright?


A new type of fraud involving designer theft settlement money – how to prevent

hello. This is Urban Brush. Recently, we received an important report targeting designers, so we are sharing a new scam method, and we will never fall for this scam...


Why and How to Process Illustrator Outlines

hello. This is Urban Brush. This is a post about why and how to create outlines when working with vectors in illustration. Own…

ByByTommyMay 3 13, 20232 min read

Editing ai files without illustrator Inkscape - recommended free alternative program

hello. This is Urban Brush. Urban Brush specializes in sharing vector images. Many people liked the image and downloaded it, but the representative...


Recently published articles

This is a recently published article in Urban Brush.

Beware of Google AdSense advertising login banner

hello. This is Urban Brush. At Urban Brush, various designers share images through talent donation, and to run this, they advertise on the site (Google…


How to change thickness when changing line size in Illustrator

hello. This is Urban Brush. Today, when using Illustrator, when the size of a shape made with lines changes, should the thickness change as well, or...


Image Copyright Association Is copyright registration mandatory?

hello. This is Urban Brush. If you created an image or received an image from someone else, is the image protected by copyright?


A new type of fraud involving designer theft settlement money – how to prevent

hello. This is Urban Brush. Recently, we received an important report targeting designers, so we are sharing a new scam method, and we will never fall for this scam...



Beware of Google AdSense advertising login banner
How to change thickness when changing line size in Illustrator
Image Copyright Association Is copyright registration mandatory?
A new type of fraud involving designer theft settlement money – how to prevent
Why and How to Process Illustrator Outlines
Editing ai files without illustrator Inkscape - recommended free alternative program
Why not remove illustrator lines and faces - tommy
Urban Brush Sponsorship Information
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