Unique number: #3437 | License: FREEDOWN

Coffee paper cup ai illustration collection – coffee papercup

Coffee paper cup ai illustration collection – coffee papercup

The cyan below is a coffee paper cup ai illustration collection file.
It is a coffee paper cup shape that is generally used in coffee shops, cafes, and take-out specialty stores.

It is an illustration file that includes both the lead and the holder.
Various designs, holder shapes, and printing are included, so you can freely modify and use it.

Cafe paper cups require various designs for each season and event.
It would be nice to try designing with various designs.
If it is difficult to order paper cups in bulk, we recommend making stickers and simply attaching them.

Font used: Nanum Gothic / Adobe Gothic Std M
Editing tool : Adobe illustration CC
* Re-uploading to other sites is prohibited.

If you are curious about the editing, correction, and output of the draft below, please refer to the Nametek at the bottom.
(The name of cyan is for image and has nothing to do with urban brush)

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