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emergency exit illustration ai download exit illustration

emergency exit illustration ai download exit illustration

hello. This is Urban Brush's Master Creator Tommy.
The image below is a sample of the new version ai file image of the emergency exit illustration.

This version emphasizes the door image rather than the existing emergency exit image.
Download the file and create a design related to the emergency exit.

Hi. Urban Brush's Master Creator Tommy.
The image below is a sample of the new version ai file image of the emergency exit illustration.

It is a version emphasizing the door image than the escape image of the existing emergency exit.
Download the file and make an emergency exit design.

Font used: Baedal Minjok Dohyeon Font / Arial Black
sauce : Urbanbrush' s Tommy
Editing tool : Adobe illustration CS6
* Re-uploading to other sites is prohibited.

If you are curious about the editing, correction, and output of the draft below, please refer to the Nametek at the bottom.
(The name of cyan is for image and has nothing to do with urban brush)

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