Unique number: #3265 | License: FREEDOWN

Rabokki png – noodle toppokki png

Rabokki png – noodle toppokki png

hello. This is Urban Brush's Master Creator Tommy.
The cyan below is a photo of Rabokki png.
This is a picture of rabokki served in an earthen pot or a regular bowl, not the version boiled in a hotpot.
This is a basic PNG photo file that can be used in tteokbokki specialty stores, pubs, and barbershops.
Since the background is treated as transparent, it can be freely used in menu boards, banners, banners, etc.

Shooting source: Urbanbrush' s Tommy
Editing tool : Photoshop CC / Photoscape X
* Re-uploading to other sites is prohibited.

If you are curious about the editing, correction, and output of the draft below, please refer to the Nametek at the bottom.
(The name of the cyan below is for the image and has nothing to do with the urban brush)

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