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goblin handle illustration ai – goblin illustration

goblin handle illustration ai – goblin illustration

The image below is an ai file of a goblin handle illustration.

It is an illustration of the handle of a goblin pattern that was often used in Korean traditional houses and gates.
If you remove the circular handle, you can use it as a goblin illustration.
Download the file and create a goblin-related design.

The image below is ai file illustrations of Dokkaebi handle.

It is an illustration of the handle of the Goguryeo pattern which was widely used in the Korean traditional house and the gate.
If you remove the handle of the circle, you can use it as an illustration.
Download the file and try to make a design for Dokkaebi.

Font used: There is no font used.
Editing tool : Adobe illustration CS6
* Re-uploading to other sites is prohibited.

If you are curious about the editing, correction, and output of the draft below, please refer to the Nametek at the bottom.
(The name of cyan is for image and has nothing to do with urban brush)

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