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dog mind phrase illustration -beware of the dog ai

dog mind phrase illustration -beware of the dog ai

The image below is a sample design of open mind phrase illustration ai file image.
It is a shadow version of two types, a large dog and a small dog.

It is designed to prevent accidents by leaving a message to be careful of dogs at the front door or gate.
Especially if you have an aversion to dogs, or to prevent dog barking, it's good to put it next to the doorbell.
Download the file and create an open mind illustration phrase.

The image below is a sample of ai file image sample of the dog watchful phrase illustration.
Large dogs and small dogs are available in two versions of the shadow version.

It is designed to prevent accidents by leaving a message saying that you should be careful of dogs such as front doors and doors.
Especially if you have a disgust with the dog or you want to prevent the dog barking, it is recommended to put it beside the doorbell.
Download the file and try to make a dog illustrations.

Editing tool : Adobe illustration CS6
* Re-uploading to other sites is prohibited.

If you are curious about the editing, correction, and output of the above draft, please refer to the Nametek at the bottom.
(The name of cyan is for image and has nothing to do with urban brush)

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