Tommy Partners

Designer Tommy is a proven designer chosen by numerous companies.

Urban Brush Chief Designer

Urban Brush Team Master Designer

branding designer

More than 100 branding experiences at home and abroad

Premium logo design

Over 3000 logo design experiences

Ministry of Public Administration and Security youth entrepreneur

Selected as a young entrepreneur by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security

Brand Grand Prize Award

2019-2023 Brand Award Winner

Designer Tommy is not active in big*, talent**, etc.
We are not subject to comparison with anyone, and we only produce premium designs with confidence in our skills and results.

Work Category

Designer Tommy will be your strong partner.


We develop and design logos and packages, corporate BI and CI. Tommy's logo is already used by many companies.

design outsourcing

We carry out single or regular outsourcing work such as flyers, brochures, banners, banners, and detailed pages that companies need.

Web Design

We create responsive, one-page websites based on WordPress, which is advantageous for the search environment, and design online shopping malls such as Naver Store Farm and Cafe1.

life design

I am working on various designs such as personal collection images, personal events, photo restoration, image synthesis, white flower painting, and cutting work.


We help you make marketing more friendly by creating caricatures of corporate representatives and celebrities as well as symbols that symbolize your company.

design education

We provide training to those who want to become a designer or to those who want to learn practical skills through simple design training in small and medium-sized businesses. [Personal training/group training available]

Designer Tommy quote sheet

Designer Tommy promises the highest quality and high-quality results by actively reflecting customers' opinions. We are also consulting on all designs other than the quotes below. If you are in need of a designer, please feel free to contact us for any design-related requests.


If you have any concerns about design, please contact us for consultation at any time in a convenient way. We will do our best to provide you with the most convenient design consultation.

Consult design

If you need a design request, please leave a message or search for “Designer Tami” on KakaoTalk.

A design made roughly and cheaply is unlikely to last long.
The design is determined based on the designer's long experience and work attitude.
Ask Tommy, who has years of experience, know-how, and serious pride in design.

KakaoTalk consultation
Naver Talk Talk Consultation
Instagram DM consultation
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